About me

I think of myself as a generalist life scientist. I have previously done in-lab and computational biology research on a variety of study organisms; a major connecting theme has been to uncover predictable patterns in complex biological systems.

Currently, I am a Research Scientist at SecureBio, leading the organization’s efforts on AI+Biotechnology. Our goals are to measure and mitigate the risks of new pandemics.


  • I’m from the United States. I grew up in Pittsburgh and I currently live in Chicago.
  • I studied biology at Swarthmore College and then worked for several years as a lab manager and biomedical researcher at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.
  • I did my PhD at Harvard University, where I studied developmental genetics and the predictability of evolution. More specifically, I used genome modification, computational modeling, high-throughput microscopy, and custom-built lab tools to better understand the mechanisms underlying cell-cell signaling and tissue patterning. I also developed approaches for using natural language processing and computer vision methods to build large composite datasets from the published literature.
  • Then I did research as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Chicago, where I used emerging image-based ML/AI tools to tackle problems in quantitative cellular dynamics.


My go-to hobby is sketching the people and things around me. I like to design my own pop-up cards. I like games: poker, chess, Scrabble, Risk, others. I write Murder Mystery stories that I host for friends; I also write homebrew RPGs. When I can, I play soccer and basketball to re-live the glory days.


email: seth.donoughe [at] gmail [dot] com
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